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The Lord Is My Shepherd

By December 21, 2023September 10th, 2024No Comments

“The Lord is my Shepherd…”

We saw this classic Philippine jeepney on the side of the road and loved the sign on the top! What else do you notice about the jeepney? Its vibrant colors? Its character? Or, you may notice the rust, dirt, and worn-out tires. This jeepney looks like a tank that could weather any storm… while at the same time, it looks like it has seen better days and could be nearing the end.

There are so many parallels to our personal lives: Sometimes, we feel worn out and dirty, weary from life’s scars, and wonder if we can even go on another day. Yet, people see the best in us. But no matter how much paint we use to cover up our messes – life is hard and often leaves its mark whether we want it to or not.

Remember, we aren’t meant for this world. We’re just passing through. With the Lord as our Shepherd, there is always beauty to behold and light that can shine through us as we labor on — in weakness and rejoicing. When the world sees us, may they see vibrancy amidst our scars because of Jesus! Because HE is our Shepherd. Because He is for us, and He is with us. He is Emmanuel!

Meditate on:

• Psalm 23

• John 16:33

• Philippians 4:13

Nathan Potter

Author Nathan Potter

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