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Taking Steps

By April 24, 2023No Comments

When God speaks, it demands a response! We know this to be true through countless Biblical accounts. In this photo, we see a group of Filipinos walking to the river where they will be baptized. It’s amazing to see God grip hearts through the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s not uncommon to be ushered into a Filipino’s home where you’ll be greeted and hosted by an entire family. Not just mom and dad and kids, but also the grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and other relatives. They sit attentively to the Gospel being presented, whether in English or through a translator. Only God can bring conviction to hearts that lead to repentance. But then – baptism! These new believers don’t waste a moment to take a step in their faith journey to be baptized! Baptisms happen in pools, rivers, fish holding tanks… anything that may be available for them to celebrate the Gospel being lived out in their personal story!

What steps are you actively taking in your faith? You may not be walking to a river to be baptized, but are you taking action or a next step? Maybe you do need to walk to the river….

Nathan Potter

Author Nathan Potter

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