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Meet Caissa

By September 8, 2023September 10th, 2023No Comments

Meet Caissa. Addy and Caissa have known each other since Addy’s first (of four) trips to the Philippines. The two girls are the same age and have especially connected since we moved here. We recently learned something that was an “only-God-mind-blowing moment”!

Rewind to 2008. Pastor Nathan was delivering shoeboxes in San Isidro, a Barangay (neighborhood) about 5 kilometers away. Nathan led a pregnant mother to salvation in Jesus. The family has been faithfully serving the Lord all these years in the church that was planted as a result of those shoeboxes.

Fast forward to today, 2023. Caissa shared that Addy’s dad was the one to share Jesus with her family all those years ago… before she was even born! What an incredible blessing that God used a short-term mission trip 15 years ago to pave the way for these two teenagers (both in the womb at the time) to connect now and become friends!?

Can you imagine if God stepped down and told Pastor Nathan way back then — “Go deliver this shoebox to this family and share the Gospel. The woman you will lead to Jesus is pregnant with a girl who will become friends with your daughter 15 years from now when you and your family move to the Philippines.…”

Only God. Just WOW!

This is a reminder that God is always at work, and you never know how (or when) He will use your obedience to Him. Just be faithful!

Lauren Potter

Author Lauren Potter

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