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BLESS – More Than Education

By April 24, 2023No Comments

Imagine reaching entire families with the Gospel of Jesus through the kids! Families are being introduced to Jesus simply through a program called BLESS (Basic Life Empowerment Support Services). The program is for children to learn to read and write (for free) and in return, their parents attend Bible Studies as payment. Most families will take advantage of this opportunity as education is not free in the Philippines. This is a great opportunity to share the Gospel. 

Through this ministry, many families accept Jesus Christ and begin to attend church. In some cases, the fathers of these families are now the leaders of the church and helping in the ministry! 

Will you praise God with us for BLESSing in such a practical way? Join us in prayer for these teachers and leaders who will be the mouthpiece of the Gospel for these families. 

Lauren Potter

Author Lauren Potter

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